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Empaths In The Workplace | Should Empaths Work In Helping Professions? My Thoughts & Experience

Should empaths work in helping professions? I would have without a doubt said yes a couple of years ago but now I am not so sure. Let me explain.

First, what is empathy? To my understanding, it is the ability to put yourself in one's shoes and really feel what someone is feeling. Have you ever bawled your eyes out during a sad movie? That's empathy!

Most people experience empathy on some level. That's why the majority of the population are not killers and other criminals. Some people experience very high levels of empathy to the point where it becomes both a gift and curse. To feel so deeply that you can sense what someone is feeling just by being in the same room with them is quite the talent. But imagine identifying with your emotions and others' emotions. I get why that can be challenging. First, it's hard to differentiate your feelings versus someone else's feelings. Second, it's very exhausting to identify with other people's intense emotions.

Many empathic people opt for careers in the helping professions. Why wouldn't they? They probably heard it their entire lives. "You are so kind and relatable. You should really be a [insert helping profession here]". So they go on to be social workers, nurses, psychologists and care workers.

Well, I have been working in a helping profession for over two years as a highly empathic person and I'm beginning to realize that it may not be the best combination.

I work with children in the foster system who have experienced trauma and because of which, these kids have all sorts of behavioral issues. I also work their parents, many of which have also experienced trauma and troubling behaviors. It's very common for workers in this field to be the recipient of physical, emotional, and mental abuse. And the abuse is only one side of the coin.

Imagine also being exposed to people who have experienced complex levels trauma. Not only do staff in this field endure stress and abuse inflicted on them, they are also exposed to other's life changing and disturbing issues. Empathic people are at a high risk of internalizing the trauma and feelings and emotions of these kids.

I am sure there are techniques to prevent this from happening but I'm speaking from experience when I say that it's very difficult. So, what did I do?

I took time off. Not a couple days or weeks, but months, to really heal. Now that I'm off, I feel tired all of the time which makes total sense. I have been in constant fight or flight for almost 2 years. Now my body is trying to balance itself out but bringing is down. I'm patient and kind to my mind and body and I know what with time I will get back to baseline.

And what are my future plans? I am not so sure. As an empath, I want to continue to utilize this gift and help people on some level. But I do not think I can care for severely damaged people. I cannot pour from an empty cup any longer.

I do not want to discourage anyone from working in such careers. It could be something you love and something your passionate about. I am just sharing my thoughts and experiences. What are yours? If you have any techniques to avoid internalization of other's feelings and emotions, please share them with me.

Empathy is such a beautiful and complex thing

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