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My Beliefs on Coincidences | How you can Experience more Signs and Messages.

If you mind to pay attention, you will see signs all around you.

I can assure you that you have been presented with these signs your whole life. They are there to guide you, to push you, and to help bring you to a higher state of consciousness and fulfilling life.

Most people probably see these happenings as mere coincidences. But we shouldn't ignore its significance just because science disputes it by using words like "accidental" or "without causal connection".

Here are some personal examples.

While on a long drive home, I saw an eagle. With a bit of research I discovered that eagles are a sign to reach to for your highest potential which is even higher than what you may believe. The future holds unknown possibilities. I found this information here. For anyone who reads my blogs, they know that this is relevant to my life.

After I uploaded a post that I felt very seriously about, the time was 5:55. Again with some research, I discovered that triple 5 means that there are big life changes about to happen so it's crucial to prepare for them now. I found this information here.

In my most recent blog post, I wrote about how my spirit guides communicated with me by leaving a sign. You can read about it here.

Are you intrigued yet? These moments are a huge source of comfort for me.They help me know when I may or may not be on the right path. They help remind me that I am on my way.

Sure, coincidences happen. But I don't think they are accidental. If you believe in them and if you are connected to your higher self, you will be much more in tune with these happenings.

Here is how you can invite more signs and symbols in your life:

1. Meditate

Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and feel the world around you. You need to disconnect (from the external world) to reconnect.

2. Believe and be open

You can do this by reading and listening to moving stories of people's experiences. While in mediation, you can also open your palms and repeat the mantra "I am open to receiving" several times. Really listen to words when you say them.

3. Pay attention to your surroundings

Be mindful and be present. Be in the moment as much as you can. For example, when I'm doing daily tasks such as a showering, I will try to really feel the water on me and listen to the sounds as opposed to thinking about what I'm going to do after.

4.Take risks

Have you dreamed about doing back to school? or opening your own business? Or taking singing lessons? When you take chances, your spirit guides (or God or whatever you believe in)

will give you signs. They will grab your attention and perhaps reassure you that you are on the right path.

5. Speak to your Spirit Guides

You might feel a little silly at first but if you consistently try to speak with Them and ask for a direction, They will follow through.

6. Don't look for it

It will come to you when you least expect it.

7. Be patient and consistent

It's no good to follow my suggestions for a week or two and give up. It needs to be a part of you life as much as showering and eating. If you keep at it, you will reap the benefits.

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