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How To Get Things Done (Seriously!)

I have always struggled with getting things done. I get inspiration and I start but I am never consistent. That seems to me an issue for most people.

But I have finally developed a routine that allows me to successfully accomplish the things I need to do. The tips that I am about to share has been consistently working for me.

Apart from this little introduction, I'll get right to it.

1. Start early

Don't worry, you don't need to get up at 7 AM. But whenever you do get up for the day, make a start right away. If you are anything like me and you start the morning lounging on the couch catching up on Friends, it will be very challenging to do anything productive.

2. Write down what you need to get done

This is the first thing I do every morning. I open my agenda and I look at what I completed yesterday and I write down what needs to get done as well as check for appointments, meetings, etc. I base what else I need to do on importance, the time I have and honestly, the mood that I am in.

3. Keep your list day-by-day

I don't plan my days too far ahead. For example, if today is Monday, I do not make a list for Friday. What I have learned is that one's schedule changes on a daily basis. If you plan too far ahead and your schedule and priorities changes, it will be really easy to get out of the habit of writing things down.

4. Keep your list small

You don't need to accomplish 20 things in a day to be productive. If anything, you will half-ass these tasks in an attempt to get them done. Or you will be unable to complete all of them and feel discouraged. Don't burn yourself out. Quality over quantity!

5. Give yourself a reason to get up early

I know I said you don't have to wake up early and you don't. But it is better to start your list as early as you can. This gives you more time later in the day to do whatever you want. It's a great feeling and habit to create. I have a dog who wakes me up with kisses 8 AM on the dot. I also write in my journal in the morning. If you could find something that isn't too time-consuming that motivates you out of bed, I highly recommend it.

Here are some suggestions: going for a walk or doing any exercise, cooking a delicious breakfast, reading a book with a cup of coffee. I would avoid things like catching up some YouTube videos or games as these an be hard to get away from.

6. Do the easy stuff first

People usually say get the hard stuff done first so it's out of the way. But I like being able to check off a bunch of items from my list as quickly as possible! It's a motivating feelings when your list goes from 7 items to 3 or 4 in an hour or so.

Here are some additional tips that are not 100% necessary but have helped me.

7. Journal

I have been doing this fairly consistently for a couple of weeks. I write down my thoughts, experiences, ideas, plans. I find it inspirational and it makes me want to get things done.

8. Invest in an agenda

I have a cute agenda that I invested in and I love utilizing it.

9. It's no big deal if you don't complete everything on your list

It happens to me all the time. Your feelings, mood, and prioritize can change so quickly so don't feel bad if you find unchecked tasks on your list. You can always do them another time

That's it for my list! I'm not sure why but this routine has benefited me in many ways. I feel inspired, I'm getting things done, I have more free time and I'm organized. Great habits to create!

I'm trying  to take my own photos! This is my journal and agenda... and salt lamp.

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