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My Spirit Guides Communicated With Me | A Personal Story

Spirit guides are divine beings that guide us through life. While I always had faith in their existence, I now firmly believe in them because mine communicated with me.

I made a big decision last week. I took a chance and made a change in my career that was 100% self-serving. For my own happiness and mental health, I had to.

I'll talk more about my experience with that another time. For now, I will talk about the amazing Spiritual experience the day I made this "big decision".

That morning, I asked a higher power for a sign or some reassurance that I was on the right path. Later that day, I was home alone working on a school paper. My brother called and he asked me to pick him up. I put my laptop on the coffee table and left. When I got back about 20 minutes later, I noticed that there was a tab opened on the word document along with a paragraph of random characters that I did not write. I laughed and showed my brother, assuming my dog had stepped on my keyboard.

But when I closed the tab I was able to have a better look at the characters. There was a clear pattern, something that a dog could not have done. It looked like this:


I probably wrote the first two numbers as I was in the process of writing "2016". But as you can see, 300 repeats itself about fifty times.

Me and my brother were a little freaked out as we were talking about ghost stories on way home. He decided to look up the significance of 300 and were pleased (and relieved) to know that it has strong Spiritual significance. But even more than that, the meaning behind the number matched exactly what I went through that day. My brother had goosebumps as he read it and I cried. Here are some aspects of the number that really resonated with me:

The number 300 is an Angel number. It's a sign to listen to and follow your intuition and to start living your life purpose by sharing your Spiritual gifts with the world. The number is also a sign that your Spirit Guides are with you and will guide you when you need it.

It still blows my mind! I don't know exactly what I'm suppose to be doing but I knew at that point that I was on the right path and that was so reassuring.

By the way, I saved those numbers in a word document and copied and pasted it to this blog. And I'll link the website that discusses the significance of 300 below.

What are your thoughts? Do you have any experiences with Spirit Guides? I'd love to know.

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