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Bad Luck? The Universe Is Trying To Tell You Something

Things use to always work out for me. I guess you would say that I'm lucky. But at some point within the past few months, things have taken a turn for the worse. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. I am late for appointments, I get left with the crappy shifts, and things just don't go how I want them to go. My life was filled with chaos.

This went on for quite some time until I had no choice but to stop and slow down. This down time confirmed by belief that there is no such thing as luck.

Now, I don't have an explanation for every happening in one's life. I can really only make sense of my own life as I am the only person that knows my story well enough.

I believe bad things happen for several reasons:

1. You are too comfortable

There is nothing wrong with having comfort zone, but you will never make progress if you don't extend that zone. When the time is right (when you are ready), the Universe will put you in challenging, uncomfortable positions to broaden your skills, experiences, and perspectives.

2. You are not in your element

I believe everyone has a higher calling. Once you become aware of this, the Universe will guide you to where you need to be. How does It do this? But letting you know where you are NOT suppose to be. If you feel you are meant to sing but are too busy flipping burgers, the Universe will let you know when it's time to leave. This might look like feeling trapped, anxiety and depression, or just bad things happening.

3. You have lessons to learn

Not all lessons will be easy and comfortable. Some will be messy and challenging. Trust the Universe and your strength and you will see the beauty and value in these lessons. You may never understand the reasons for them but you will definitely appreciate the experience. I know I do!

4. It's time to slow down

Life is really not about overworking yourself. It's OK (and necessary) to slow down, relax, and take time off. If you don't take the time to do that for yourself, the Universe will certainly find a way and It will leave you with no choice. So that last incident that tipped you over the edge and almost caused you to have a mental breakdown was totally necessary.

These are a few things that I have learned based on my own experience. I'm sure I will add to this list as I continue to grow and have new experiences.

The bottom line is that these "unlucky" situations are a sign. So stop and listen. You will be glad that you did.

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