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Be Careful If You Work For A Company That Values You...

I think one of the worst situations someone can be in is to work in a stressful job for a company that does not appreciate them. And I think that working in a stressful job where employees are appreciated also has the potential to be a terrible situation... let me explain.

Let's say you have been feeling burned out from working long hours. Your employer really cares about your well-being so they allow you to take a few paid days off work.

Maybe your income is not enough. Your employer sees you struggling and offers you a raise and several gift cards for groceries.

Maybe you have been under stress and your company provides you with a day at the spa.

Don't get me wrong, these are lovely gestures. But don't fall for the trap. If you are unhappy in your job, gift cards, raises and days off only act as band aids for the wounds. Don't feel guilty for being unhappy in a job that values you. Don't let these rewards and perks prevent you from moving a head in life. Companies that value you want you to stay. If you crave a change because you're not feeling fulfilled, make the change!

Think of it this way: let's say that Rachel and William are in a relationship. Rachel is not happy being with William and she does not want to spend the rest of her life with him. But William always buys her gifts and showers her in affection. Is Rachel suppose to stay with William because she feels guilty for leaving him because he is a nice guy? Of course not. It's not easy but I'm sure most people will agree that she should follow her heart and move on.

Now, don't get me wrong. It's great that there are companies out there who value and look after their employees. I'm not saying they shouldn't or you shouldn't be grateful! But if you are unhappy or unfulfilled in your work, don't let these "gifts" stop you from making a change, taking a chance, and potentially moving ahead in life.

This is been my experience the past few years. I hope this can inspire you.


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